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update on motion graphic MINT

i actually have alot alot of polys for the hair, looks like seaweed, ivan calls it.
but due to the very lil hair i drew on the transparency map, it looks as if she have no hair, i was forced to give her sticks n flowers, gave the impression she has a bun... so its acceptable with that amount of hair...smart eh.

i created the hair when her body is upright, i used ik spline handle u see.. so when i rotate the whole thing to sleeping position, ALL THE FUCKING HAIR rotates n from flat seaweeds turn into thin side views of seaweed...........i was forced to delete ALL the iks... then rotate the joints.

then when i want to animate, i was forced to add the iks again.........n probably if things goes wrong.. i will have to key the joints after i set the iks......

so much for having hair in the scene...


EVERYONE I m not from astro xfresh
i just bullshit to get me into the podium!!!!!1

wat a weekend

i initially wanted to go bac k to cyber on friday to finsih up my work but i decided to surprise my ah b when he is playing futsal with the michael jackson cd he wanted.

then on saturday we had a sudden urge to go to klcc to see louis koo in person

i brought my slr n there we go.
it was crowded there.. it was simply ridiculous to hang around at the back.. i went solo n tried to follow some photographers into the podium.. but to no avail

i was behind bars.
when suddenly one of the managers there asked if i m the media.

without hesitating, i said "yeh"

she let me in and asked," could u pls register at the counter?"

"wahh... oooo ok."

i scribbled down my name, n wrote there that i m from ASTRO XFresh. omg.

then i went in..

she stopped me again, "miss?"

"um..ya?" getting ready to bolt...............

"you forgot your door gift"

"ooh?? theres a door gift? how delightful!" i went and get the door gift, which is OSIM's shoulder pad something something.

i went to the chairs n sat down. being one of the closest human beings to the podium i was excited and terrified!

n then i remembered ah b.
he is still behind the crowd .. alone. unable to see anything thru the sea of fans.

i went out n dragged him in.



i took alot of photos of louis koo.. anyone who wanna buy all of them? i m selling for 25 bucks. email me at hazy_glade@hotmail.com

here are a few.. they are really good quality..can be blown up to 12 R n more.

we managed to get an autograph off him.. but thats all.. his managers are sucked up. n btw louis is kinda cocky. he smiled as if he is forced to suck a cock.

anyway.. mimi is so cute!!