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Vue 6

vue 6 xstream is a 3d software for easy landscape creation with high def. realism rendering. i am using it for my visual effects assignment this semester. you can even adjust the exposure values, thus enabling the option for high dynamic range image editing.

it comes together with basic materials for landscapes and even ecosystem generation, ex. a forest ecosystem will come with random trees grasses and plants. you can even mix 2 materials together.

for modelling you have the basic shapes of primitives, then you have the terrain, the water, planets ( for moon and planets), the atmosphere ( for fog, haze, sun and effects configuration) and clouds. they look really realistic.

for rendering, you have the usual radiosity and gi which gives ultra realistic results.

the best thing is.. vue xstream can both be used as a standalone software or integrated into you fave 3d software, lightwave 3d max maya etc etc. designed to handle vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv high polygon count, it runs smoothly on my 1 g ram pc. it works in a way that when you click on a poly, it changes into a low poly, for you to move n edit when you are done, the poly resume the usual poly count.

heres my render.. preview quality.

click on it for a larger view

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