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britney spears - she's so lucky.. she's a star.

when she first started out.. she was innocent, cute, bubbly and 3 bra cups smaller. remember 'baby one more time'?
then she went famous.. she was happy for a while.. and then the pressure from the world kicked in..
she couldn't handle it.. she chose to get married.. to Kevin Federline.. hoping for some sanctuary for some shielding.. but that failed too.. after 2 babies..
n then its also time for her big comeback

which hasnt happen yet.
she went clubbing... got herself in to drugs.. depression..
n got admitted to PROMISES rehab centre.. she was doing fine
and then she shaved her head bald. due to the pressure.

now its almost 2 weeks from her admission to PROMISES.
she just attempted suicide with a bed sheet.. she tried to hang herself.

the world will not stop until they destroy this young starlet. newspapers... tabloids.. magazines... gossip columns and blogs..
enough is enough.

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