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birthday boy

i have finally gotten a deviantart account.

i can now be reached at hazelong.deviantart.com

dear ah b,

happy 21st birthday..
i really hoped you enjoyed your birthday week
and i hoped i could sometimes just see in your head what you really want

ah b n kimchi, patch

vinn, in a telephone advert. wtf

the blissful, the blur, the angry

veron and kinhoe

vinn in a restaurant commercial wtf

Ah b's birthday cake

look at his father.. so cute hahahahaha.

why does he look so drunk here...haha

happy anniversary+happy birthday

ah b pretending to be cool

ian and vinn

ivan being ivan, sim tired of ivan..lol

charel and dennis

the gang

mimi... is sick.. she has a pouch infection.... if anyone knows a vet who specializes in sugar gliders please let me know. please.. it really doesnt look good... the pouch is swollen with water.. and theres yellow dots on it..

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