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outburst cannot tahan

.. i know i betrayed u. made u sad.
n i m ignoring u now.
i just want u to know how it feels like when u have nothing.
i just want u to stay.

emo emo emo emo.

all u see is flaws in me even after so long. after everything is over. now u know why i couldnt go on.

if i m ur gf or bf. n u love me so much u spend everyday n all ur hours n minutes with me.. i gave u friends. gifts. a good education. but still. u did not spend time with them u just spend time with me. or doing things for me. do u think i still want to give u friends. and all the things i m giving u now. there are things i want u to enjoy too. or else why i give u all those. don't abandon ur friends and ur assignments because of me. i cannot give u an A.. nor can i bring ur friends back.. when it is U who abandon them now.


thank u ah b for being understanding. especially when i always comment negatively bout men in general. i really dunno what would i do without u.
i m sorry that day i irritate u until u ..; * mimicks pulling hair out ** hahahaahahahahahaha
damn funny
sorry u din manage to play futsal...n i did not go pray to my ancestors n my mom with my family..but everybody gotta make sacrifices.
like in the writer's journey, a hero is only a hero when he makes sacrifices. audience does not like heroes who do not sacrifice anything important.

i suppose the hint is enough.

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