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something's scratching inside.. it hurts...
scraping for blood...it hurts..
i m depriving of blood...it hurts..
time of the month finally came.. it hurts..
that means i m not pregnant...... it still hurts.

i m not on talking terms with my father just because i didn't wanna listen to his continuous advice that means nothign to me. n because my assignment's over, i put my status in MSN, assignment free. n he... being msn illiterate PRETENDED he didn't understand and PRETENDED that he didn't know who i m.. n tried to initiate conversation.

chauvinisPIG. all guys are like that. afraid of losing. hmph.

argh!!!...the lecturer minus marks because i didn't put my files into folders for my website. how ridiculous!!!
ok. here's the website i did for my assignment.

i m feeling kinda lonely here.. without the thought that my friends are near.. cherry's working somewhere out there in the wilderness n somehow knowing just that makes things lonely... n shadow's closed blog makes things twice as far.. chin kuan's f6 starting makes her less free... n no news bout the other two doens't improve things either...where's the comforting feeling of..."we r here if u need us"??? does WELUVU still exists? no its not a groupie.. nor izzit a girlie thing, doofus... just a tag for our community of 6.

oh yea.. i got a web cam already... i didn't bring it back to the campus.. but i will soon.. two of them.. i m not going to leave one with my dad...who wants to see him? i'l probably lend the other one to darryl permanently....that would be giving.....er...watever

my printer's down...refilled wrongly..oopssis!..


my life's downtoo. u can tell by the lack of events..

ok..interesting events... =0

none at all..unless u count the tongue fights and tangling of limbs exciting. no. ain't going into that.

will sastisfy my hunger for CG in painter 8 soon.. when i have enough rest n look youthful once more..sadly.. i will never be. its ok.... everyone else is growing old with me...

i have grown so fat.... i can't stop eating... wondering whether i m preggies... which i m not. n would be ridiculous if i m ... since no process have been done to preg' me.

no i m cutting down. which means starving.. i WANT food!!!!

bulimia is a good way to keep thin while enjoying food............hmm


something funny happened just now... i had milo while i was studying... n after that.. i poured water inside..thinking i could drink the diluted milo which tasted like water... but i couldn't take in more than 7 gulps..so i poured it out of the window...

n someone shouted back.


it was like..OOOI!...

i automatically draw the curtains n continue to study furiously.


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