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when pain comes, its only then you'll know that you are in love.
when love comes, its only then you'll know that you are going to be in pain.

i should be finishing my perspective.. oh god.. my feck up schedule is too tight.

check this out.

now.. perspective drawing..
11.45 am.. practice piano for choir
1.00 pm - 11 pm... go for choir practice
12 am.... perspective drawing

tomoro.. perspective drawings n CG sketchs.

tuesday.. DA assignment..practice for maths quiz.

wednesday... practice for maths quiz.

..n of cos.. by then.. there will be new assignments up.. wo!!..

now this is wat i call a hectic life.!! n i love it!!!

yesterday i did the naughtiest thing. of cos its not going to be here..

it causes me beauty sleep n late perspective drawings..

i feel like a dead fish. <(# o #).-=>

there is certain things to be taken care of. i dun care.

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