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SU ZZEN BACK FROM NS with a new haircut, new skin, n ........um..haha. i think u all know wat i mean..

ok.. i slept from 10++ yesterdy til today 3 pm.. haha.. so tiring... n lie yuen turned up at my doorstep when i was eating downstairs..was so elated to see her.. n zzen too.. wow

we went hunting for wai fun..who can't join us.

then we went to sungei wang.. look for cheng yee.. n we ate together.. i ate with such relish..tearing away at the fish n chips... its been such a long time since i eat out.

then walked to ca po's house.. banging away on her piano.. its been a while since i touch a piano. was so glad..

now still at her house.. blogging away..n yakking away in msn also..

more updates soon.

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