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i actually got everyone to call me Haze........wooohoo!!..haha..

all of us freshies n newbies get to learn 2 songs.. berjaya mmu n permata dunia.. permata dunia rocks man.. it really really rocks... n the opening ceremony is done thru a video conference with the malacca campus.. wherer theres 3 video cam moving n spying n zooming on all of us.. we were reminded vvvv often not to fall asleep.. for when the video cam zooms in on us.. we r busted.

for practically every day.. we had to wake up at 6 am..sleep at 3 am... with sports everyday at 6 opm.. briefings in the day.. n LDK sessions...which we are separated into 20 groups for group activity everyday at 8 - 11.45 pm.

waking up is not a problem..
me and my room mates found a vvv strategic place on the top most floor where NO ONE goes for our bathing n laundry... me n another roomate share the brush.. i brought my own soapies.. n we bath in separate rooms...

the room i m staying in is such a sad sight when i first saw it.. but i got used to it...

theres audrey..the sabahan.. cool gal that one.. she;s in the same group with me.. fortunately.. n then there's Fel.. the alien.. haha.. she is weird.. really.. haha.. but we really hit it off.. n always we were ballowing n hallowing with laughter in our rooms.. even when we r out of energy..
audrey is 19... n fel is 17.. n i m in between..

for every group...theres 2 OCs(orieatation commitee ..whom are all our seniors).. my OCs is Joanne.. Rafi.. n Hairie..
they are all cool.. n there are quite a number of us.. there.. we had an ice breaking session whome we intro ourselves.. n everyone tries to remember everyone's name n say them out.. so i almost remember them.. um..except for the malaysa who join us later because they had to go for praying..
ok.. if i remember correctly.. that night..there;s.. Don aka Donni-M (we got that for him..haha), Daru-M, Ragu-M, Chua-F, Kenis-F, ye hui-F, audrey-F, me-of cos Female..., shalini-F, nandini-F, Steven aka stephen.. i dunno-M, Andy-M,Jeffrey-M,........um.. somore...um..who.. Oh yea.. samuel.-M..n Min-M
seems like alot of guys.. but when the malays came in..wow.
Hani-F...sabrina-f..n like 12 more girls.. n i think7 more guys..malay..

ragu was made leader.. n hani the ass. leader.. haha...


all 3 of us rommies were in our room.. n audrey was on the table eating Fel's cookies.. me up on the double decker bed.. n Fel on the floor...

me-we really need a broom.. the floors getting dirty
fel-..hm..yeala.. we need one.. its dirty..later got turtles n rats


audrey looked at me.. i looked back at her..then at fel


and then me n audrey started laughing like mad women.. fel looked at us with a weird expression..

in the midst of laughter.. i forced out..- y turtles? dirty where got turtles????

fel- wat? wat turtles?
me-just now u said turtles???
fel- NO la..................
me n audrey- YES!. turtles n rats!!
fel-no.. i said.. DIRTS n HAIRS!!!

n we all started hallowing with laughter madly again.. for full 20 mins.



ok.. love them..or hate them.. they r crazy..we first thought.. waking us up at 6.. letting us up at 12 am..
but then again..they had to wake up earlier to wake us up.. n sleep later than us.

there's this irritating OC named Thiaku..our so called..disciplinary master.. kept driving us hell bent.
one night.. he wouldn't let us in to the MPH( multi purpose hall) n he said "u all have to say.."OC please let us in.. n guide us"

n everyone said like... 10 000 times until crazy.. of cos.. some din say.. like me..

wat r we? beggars?

ok audreys in. fel's in. hani's in. kenis..chua.. shalini..
for guys.. samuel..jeffrey steven aka stephen...still dunno. n ragu. n chan..

audrey-cool...outgoing.. smart.. great. kind. all positives.. real comforter... n wacko at times.. haha..killing peeps with her laughter.. n she was in the sabah gymnastics team too.. cool huh
fel-wacko. definitely wacko..haha..she lent me her brush when i do laundry with her..
always listen wrongly.. or we listen to her words wrongly..
i once asked her in the toilet..."are u still bathing?"
n she started rattling bout guys.. n relationships until i got confused n asked her wat i sasked her..she said " i thought u ask me.. m i still DATING.''
hani-sweet malay girl.. wears blue contact lenses.. looks real barbie like..
kenis-nice girl there
shalini-pretty indian girl.. me n her got the same shirt from googles..haha.. hers was red..n mine was blue
samuel-kindhearted n warm.. for further info go to VOICELESS
jeffrey-vvvvvv fair. white like hell. i mean.. like powder. until his face shines with brightness..hahaha. nothing else liao
steven aka stepehn-a vvvvv straight guy. wacko n teams up with audrey all the time..honest n smart n helpful. the man of our group. haha
ragu-our group leader.. always loses stuffs n get called up to the stage to get them back so often that everyone of us know his full name ragunathan
chan-audrey's tour guide when she first came here..
n for me.. met him when i took back the orientation kit(consist of a bag.. with clothes n books) my dad slipped newspapers inside. n his packet of cigarretes n lighter.

the cigarretes i did not know.. n people were looking at me one kind.. they thought i smoked cuz it was in the bag.. n i held them with my hand with the new orientation kit.. when i went out.. chan came up to me n tell me not to SHOW my cigarretes around..
arghW@@#!.. i do not smoke.. i explained n explained. i doubt he believes.. dun care .

but its cool.. during dinner n lunches..he will come over to chat up audrey.. oh. he's one of the OCs.

one of the night of LDK.. we were called to do a performance.. n i was made secretary.. n i had to shout.. n i lost my voice.

lost it.

then later at night.. when samuel was chatting up audrey bout their churches.. n watzits.. he offered to bring some kinda mouth spray for me.. said that it will help.. n sure did. it felt better.. but no sound.. n i only had it for a few hours.. n a nother one more time the next day.

but still no voice until now. 4 days liao. can't talk. can't sing. sound like a hag.


we grouped up with 14 to do the snow white.

our performance..snow white in a twist. hani the iranian guy was made snow white. audrey the handseom price.. me the planners together with hani..steven aka stephen..still dunno.. n ragu too.
putri anissa from 14 was made narrator.. n steven aka stephen too. me too la.. actually in the end.. haha.. more later.

theres the sound effects team.. then.. narrators.. scriptwriters.. props..prop design-ME!...actors...stage hands.. peeps acting as tress..rabbits.. stuffs..n costumes..

ok. the catch is. all of us did not sleep the whole damn night. just doing the performance. n it is that night i lost my voice.
we made the snow white costume.. its blue t shirt ..cut the sleeves off.. n littles strips lower down.. for the dress.. yea.. a guy wearing a dress..haha... he looked really pretty.. muahahaha..
ok..for the dress.. made it with dustbin bags..those blue ones....

for props.. i did tree signs.. n scenes signs.. n the gun for the hunter..

audrey did the music..

performance night.. i came up with an idea.. since my damn voice sounds like a hag.. why not i be the hag?
so i talked to the narattors.. n they gave me the part for evil stepmother..cuz my voice suits it..

cool huh..

n then putri annissa suddenly made me the scene girl..who..just bring the scene pictures(those black n white scene things that directors held n yelled"ACTION!!" or "CUT!!") in to the stage.. there are 4 scenes... so i got in from the left side n out to the right.. then backstage make it back to the left side.. n bring the next scene in.. for 4 damn times.. so tiring...

i just had to hold up the scene thing i did..for the audiences to read.. n everyone was like whistling n making obsene sucking noises when i got onto the stage.. duh...

n guess wat? out of 10 groups.

we got FIRST..

woohoo...hamper ..hamper..hehe...got sparkling juice..

divided the stuffs up..cool..

n celebrated a little.. n steven aka stephen the vvvstraight guy.. informed everyone that i was the one making the props..cuz no one notices that fact..

man of the group. ( ?? ?? ?? \(^ o ^)? )


me n fel ponteng... made up excuses.. n head off back to the hostel.. n slept.. but fel got guilty n went back..while i slept like a log.. then audrey had to leave cuz she'll be staying in another apartment..n i helped her carry things..she left a postcard for me... with sweet words.. awww... wat a girl.

then at night.. since everything is over.. closing ceremony done.. me n fel decided to go out after bathing n laundry.. n go out we did.. but.. aih.. din make it in time for the last bus.. it was vv late at night then.. n we managed to get a taxi.. who fel chatted up.. no..i mean.. LIED to. she said that we are from PERAK n that we need to buy books n we got lost.. n all sorts of shit.

aih. back at the campus.. we go for mamak.. i chatted up the indian lady..n fel ate her maggi mee goreng..

then..got back up to room.. fel slept while i design my website.. sorry everybody..still can't online YET.. hold on yea..

then.. um.. i went back down to foodcourt..meet some people that called me up.. had a talk.. n went back up feeling all weird.


was lonely the whole orientation.. kept calling him. ..he picked up during when i had no voice.. he sounded scared of that fact..

can't let go...

but when the next day came.. n i called again.. he did not pick up.
n another day i didn't really wanna care.

missing my friends..

at pc lab.. verifying courses...
going home later...steven aka stephen was supposed to send me back cuz he is staying nearby.. but he's leaving in the evening.. so i m going back myself........yawn.....
more bags..

voice still not back.
will be in my house from tonight friday til tuesday.
peeps.. keep in touch yea...

miss u all..
moving on..or at least..trying to.

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