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DiFFereNT is BAd n ScarY

when i was young.. just raw after the pain of losing a mother, round 8/9 years of age.. my cousin was still alive and i was staying at her house together with her n her mother n my father. i used to implore her to bring me out n i was nothing but a pest to her that she had to put up with my pitiful wails n look at me with the eyes of hers n reluctantly bring me out with her friend.

we went to a cinema.. an old cinema that is demolished long time ago... we watched FOREST GUMP.

we were sitting there.. watching forest gump's antics... n they were laughing their head off while i stare silently at how the other characters look down on him and treated him differently, n his silent humourous innocent gestures.. i started to sympathise with him.. even pitied him for his difference..

i started crying...silently when everybody else in the cinema were laughing til tears flowed.

i then realized i m different. different from the others around me.


then at night.. when my father come back from work.. we will sleep together in the same bed in the same room with only a television.. he would played videos n we would watched it in loneliness.. me n him.

when my aunt tried to strangle me.. we moved out immediately.. n we moved to another aunt's house. days of moving houses continued.. until he bought a house n married another wife.

now that the family's big.. with brother n sister n his wife.. i seldom were close to him. i lost him.

and because of his wife, we seldom contact the other side, my mom's side of the family. n i lost them.

perhaps i can say that i lived in loneliness...losing one person after another. whether izzit death or others who take them from me.. it doesn't matter. i m alone.

when i went to school.. i was the most talkative.. eager to make new friends.. for the teacher to like me..
studied hard for a praise from my father, from the teacher for the other's envy n their friendship in return.

i was lucky.. i found 5 vv good friends on the way..i m thankful to them.


i m pathetic. blaming everything else for losing him. blaming my past, deaths, my father n even forest gump for being different.

today i went out.. i was suddenly so aware of how my arms n leg move.. how my shoulders will slump or be straight.. how i habitually pursed my lips together.. n asked myself.. izzit all these that made him hate me?

i ate.. with the usual relish.. then i was aware people are looking.. maybe they are not noticing bout the way i eat..but i couldn't help being aware.. that it could be the way i eat that put him off.

...beautiful things... they can just disappear like that. into nothingness. n will never come back.
but still.. people remembers.. n search for another thing just as beautiful..
n the old one will fade.. but theres something that just stay rooted in the conscience. to plague continuously, to remind the mistakes n the regrets.

things changed. n i can't go back. n i m not sure if i wanted to go back.

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