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things have changed alot upfront.. but nothing has change inside.. i guess you all know wat i mean n probably be thinking..."not again??"

i tried so hard.. just to hope i can pass.. not with distinction or merit. just a pass... (i m not talking bout studies here) but all i keeps getting is fail fail fail. right slapped in my face. red. stinging. hurting.

ok. i m a stubborn old fool for being like this. i'll probably die one day n still be thinking n feeling like this too.

enough sickening thoughts. back to updates..

had our first few lectures.. cool.. some boring.. as usual...
i'll be back tomoro..which is friday.. i m typing it here so that cherry can't say that i m a ghost wisping back n forth without sound... :)

audrey's in my group/. the peeps in my group are cool.. way nice. too nice.

had my first damn assignment. not planning to do it here.. at home maybe.. just artie signie stuffs..
i m going to town tomoro to venus art.. so if some of u happen to be there at that time.. call me up.

n shadow.. wat happen to our kasturi anugerah??? i didn't study so hard for no money.. haha.. however materialistic i sound..

so far i had english.. design appreciation.. n media mathematics... out of 5 subjects which otherwise incluse computer graphics n design fundamentals...big YAWN**

yesterday walked to the street mall with my roomies.. ate chicken rice there.. n did some shopping.. not me.. them.

you know wat? i can't wait to show u all around cyberjaya.. n the campus... hehe... miss u all so much...

oh yea.. after many infinite complaints of the bus.. public transport that doesn't really fit in the technology in cyberjaya.. (meaning they are outdated la).. n long walks that aren't really long.. n aching backs that actually don't ache much.. haha..my dad decided to get me a 2nd hand car.. which is better than nothing...but.......... woohoo!!..hehe

but lets see WHEN do i really actually finally get my car okie? n i think by then all of u will be hoping that u dun have to sit in my car cuz i m such a lousy driver. n must remember to bring my road map(chin kuan) along too..haha

shadow ~ take care..things will be better soon.. i can tell.. things aren't that bad as long as u don't admit to yourself that it is bad.. take things easy.. don't worry too much.. u r so very young....but not as young as us.. haha.. kidding kidding.. take care... alright?
study hard.. no matter how many times u had to read a page just cuz u r not concentrating..do try not to think of other stuffs..

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